Four treatments for radioactive nephritis

Nephritis is a metamorphosis disease mainly based on renal disease. Acute and chronic, patients with acute radiation nephritis can have mild proteinuria and hypertension, and patients can develop symptoms of shortness of breath, headache, and extreme tiredness.
1. General treatment
It is very important to control hypertension in patients with acute phase, and it is commonly used to expand blood vessel and diuretics. The treatment of chronic radionuclitis patients is mainly symptomatic treatment and supportive treatment, and routine treatment of chronic renal failure.
Four treatments for radioactive nephritis
2. Surgical treatment
Patients who have been diagnosed with unilateral nephritis and renal ischemia and have malignant hypertension may consider unilateral nephrectomy to eliminate malignant hypertension.
3. Other treatments
Radioactive nephritis patients should keep the balance of water, electrolyte, guarantee the nutrition, have been found in situ tumor or fibrosis caused by foreign oppression obstruction and timely processing of urinary tract infection occurs, parallel anti-infection treatment.



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