How to prevent the femoral head necrosis caused by hormone?

A clinical study has shown that Chinese traditional medicine can reduce the risk of femoral head necrosis by a factor of 1/5 without adverse effects on patients' liver and kidney function.
The hormone dose is greater than 20mg and the risk begins to appear, and the initial dose of the hormone is usually more than 20 mg. Vitamin D and calcium tablets can prevent osteoporosis, but can not prevent femoral head necrosis.
However, we still find two ways to prevent femoral head necrosis:
1. Salmon calcitonin + osteoform
The combination of calcitonin and calcitonin can prevent and promote the effects of early hormonal femoral head necrosis.
How to prevent the femoral head necrosis caused by hormone?
2. Chinese medicine: blood circulation and blood stasis and phlegm
The use of phlegm and stasis for treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, such as Poria & Cassia Combo Decoction, decoction of four drugs etc., can prevent the occurrence of steroid necrosis of femoral head.
A clinical study has shown that Chinese traditional medicine can reduce the risk of femoral head necrosis by a factor of 1/5 without adverse effects on patients' liver and kidney function.



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