Identification of foam urine and kidney disease to figure the causes of bubbles in urine

Normally, the surface tension of the urine is very low and there are fewer bubbles. Urine contains some organic substances and inorganic substances, which makes the urine tension stronger and there will be some bubbles. Therefore, bubbles in the urine is not necessarily sick of kidneys.
Following are some obviously specific causes of foam urine:
1. In the case of liver and kidney disease, the amount of bilirubin or protein in the urine increases, and the surface tension of the urine increases, producing more bubbles.
Identification of foam urine and kidney disease to figure the causes of bubbles in urine
2. Bladder disease or other urinary tract infections make the composition of the urine easy to change and produce bubbles.
3. When diabetes occurs, the contents of urea and urine sugar in urine are increased, the Ph of urine is changed,furtehr causing the increased surface tension of the urine.
4. In addition, bubbles would appear in the urine when there is bacteria in the urinary tract.
If the urine bubbles automatically dissipate within a short period of time, there is no problem. While the urine bubble does not dissipate automatically for a long time, the kidney may have problems, there is a need of urine test for the one.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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