The few diseases are the "time bomb" of uremia

In many people's eyes, uremia is a terrible disease. The disease is so insidious that if you ignore the early symptoms, uremic is likely to be attacked.
Xiao ning, an 18-year-old college student, suddenly had a swollen leg and was diagnosed with uremia at a hospital. At the age of 18, xiao ning, a freshman at a university often takes physical exercises and has never found physical discomfort.
But over the past two weeks, xiao ning suddenly found his legs edema, and then to the hospital, her blood pressure is very high, at that time the doctor thought it was acute renal failure at the beginning, but eventually diagnosed with chronic renal failure, and already late to uremia, only the dialysis treatment.
The few diseases are the "time bomb" of uremia
So Be alert for the early 6 signs of kidney disease
1. More bubbles in urine
2. Urine color: normal urine is light yellow, and transparent,
3. Too much or too little urine
Normal human urine volume average is 1500 milliliter daily, 4-8 times daily.
4. Increased nocturia
5. Morning appearance of eyelid or facial edema
6. Low back pain
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Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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