Three little actions that make you healthier physical condition

The physical condition can be improved by some actions. Only keep the healthy physical can the kidneys healthier. The following three are the obvious ones.
Pinching fingers
The action can tonify kidney Yang, and delay the sexual aging. Particularly the index finger, is the way of hand Yang Ming and large intestine merdian, with your right thumb and index finger by rubbing the left index finger tip of Shang Yang, to feel it is advisable to acid bilges, massage 2-3 minutes at a time, the same method to knead right hand finger Shang Yang.
Push the Three-guan point
Three little actions that make you healthier physical condition
In the radial side of the arm, form a straight line from the wrist to the elbow. Push your thumb from your wrist to your elbow, called push Three-guan point.
Rub the hands and feet
Often rub hands and feet to strengthen immunity, prevent the effect of cold. At the same time, the blood circulation of the hands and feet should be promoted to improve the cracked and rough problems.
To achieve a good circulation of blood,the kidneys can play a better role in the toxins excretion and then our kidneys can maintain in a great condition, further to prevent the development of uremia.
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