Why cannot chronic nephritis patients eat egg yolk?

Eggs are completely protein patterns and some foods are not edible, especially egg yolks.
Egg yellow is rich in neutral fat, cholesterol, etc. It also contains abundant calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals; It's also rich in protein.
Lecithin in egg yolk can also increase the content of human plasma protein, promote the body's metabolism, enhance immunity.
Kidney disease associated with a significant reduction in the metabolism function, reduced the volume of urine, in vivo toxin can't clear out. If eat an egg, will increase metabolic product urea, cause the deterioration of the illness, and even cause serious uremia.
Why cannot chronic nephritis patients eat egg yolk?
Therefore, the patient of nephritis patient especially kidney function cannot eat more egg, they are recommend that the white egg can eat properly, but the egg yolk should be limited, had better not eat.
Part of patients with other diseases as far as possible don't eat eggs, such as high blood pressure in the late eating eggs will cause hardening of the arteries in kidney, systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) with renal damage, and a variety of chronic renal failure due to chronic kidney disease (CKD), should be careful to eat or as directed by the doctor's advice!
Article URL:http://www.kidneyhospital.org/faq/3148.html



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