In what circumstance does diabetic patient develop to kidney disease?

With a large epidemiological investigation, about 30 to 40 percent of diabetics can lead to diabetic nephropathy, which can be difficult to reverse and eventually develop to end-stage renal failure.
Among the various complications of Diabetes, kidney disease is second only to cardiovascular disease and neuropathy. Diabetic nephropathy is one of the leading causes of death in diabetic patients. For diabetics, the most important thing is to prevent kidney damage.
So, in what circumstances, is diabetic prone to kidney damage?
In what circumstance does diabetic patient develop to kidney disease?  With a large epidemiological investigation, about 30 to 40 percent of diabetics can lead to diabetic nephropathy, which can be difficult to reverse and eventually develop to end-stage renal failure.  Among the various complications of diabetes, kidney disease is second only to cardiovascular disease and neuropathy. Diabetic nephropathy is one of the leading causes of death in diabetic patients. For diabetics, the most important thing is to prevent kidney damage.  So, in what circumstances, is diabetic prone to kidney damage?  1. Obvious hypertension, especially the increase of systolic blood pressure; The dosage of blood pressure was significantly higher than that of other patients.  2. Glomerular filtration rate is too high, often exceeding 150ml/min. Especially after high <a href= target=_blank class=infotextkey>protein</a> intake;  3. Glycosylated hemoglobin;  4. Hypertriglycerides and hyperlipoprotein hyperlipoproteinemia;  5. Obesity.  Therefore, once diabetes is found, blood glucose, pressure and fat, weight and high protein foods should be controlled as soon as possible, to prevent renal damage.
1. Obvious hypertension, especially the increase of systolic blood pressure; The dosage of blood pressure was significantly higher than that of other patients.
2. Glomerular filtration rate is too high, often exceeding 150ml/min. Especially after high protein intake;
3. Glycosylated hemoglobin;
4. Hypertriglycerides and hyperlipoprotein hyperlipoproteinemia;
5. Obesity.
Therefore, once diabetes is found, blood glucose, pressure and fat, weight and high protein foods should be controlled as soon as possible, to prevent renal damage.



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