Is it difficult to recover from a large number of urinary protein loss?

In the early stages of kidney disease, proteinuria occurs. The key to avoid proteinuria is to remove toxins from the body and repair damaged cells in the kidneys.
In that case, the loss of urinary protein and the difficulty of recovery should be a matter of greater concern to the kidney friends.
The amount of protein lost is not proportional to the severity of the disease. For example, Nephritis with minor lesions and mild mesangial proliferative nephritis may be mild, but the amount of urine protein per day can be up to a few grams or even a dozen grams.
Is it difficult to recover from a large number of urinary protein loss?
Also, a large number of proteinuria does not account for the serious pathologic damage of kidney disease. For example, some foci of atherosclerotic nephritis and crescent nephritis can be seriously damaged, but the daily urine protein may be only a few grams.
Therefore, the treatment of nephropathy does not depend on how much urine protein is lost, but mainly depends on the pathological type of the kidney, kidney damage and the whole kidney function.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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