Kidney patients lose lots of protein, why should keep a low protein diet

A large amount of proteinuria+ means that proteins leak out, so what should a patient do with a kidney disease?
Although the patient is missing a large amount of protein. Instead, limit protein intake and choose high-quality protein.
The formation of proteinuria is due to the enlargement of the gap between the glomerular basement membrane and the increase of permeability, so that the macromolecular protein can be passed through the basement membrane into the urine to form albuminuria.
Kidney patients lose lots of protein, why should keep a low protein diet
At this moment if intake of lots of protein, would increase the leakage of protein through glomerular basement membrane per unit time. The body metabolic waste increases, thus increase the burden of the kidney.
So the correct way to do this is to reduce the intake of non-high-quality protein such as wheat starch, low-protein rice, and low-protein noodles. Moderate intake of high quality protein, such as: eggs, milk, lean meat, fish and shrimp, soy products, etc.
Kidney disease is different from other diseases, and its health is linked to a daily diet.



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