The better effects of polycystic and its complications made by TCM

With the micro-Chinese Medicine in Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has acquired good effects to treat polycystic and its complicated hematuria. Micro-Chinese Medicine mainly plays role in the following three aspects:
1.To inhibit the growth of cysts. Pharmaceutical Ingredients can directly focus on the lesions to inhibit the secretion of vesicle fluid and avoid the growth of cysts.
2.For the enlarged cysts, the therapy will achieve its function of vascular dilation to improve blood circulation, reverse the pressure difference between cystic fluid and fluid in the surrounding blood vessels. As a result, the cystic fluid will be excreted by blood circulation.
The better effects of polycystic and its complications made by TCM
3.In the treatment, the therapy will provide the organic acid, vitamins and other nutrients for the repair. It can also prevent the deterioration and repair the damaged intrinsic cells.
Thereby, polycystic can get well-controlled. Our characteristic therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine, belongs to the conservative treatment which treats an internal illness by external treatment. This therapy has no surgery, mo injections, low risk, being convenient and safe.

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