The urine protein attacks repeatedly, the disease is more and more serious?

A large amount of protein leakage leads to a lack of protein in the body, which can cause malnutrition and even aggravate the disease.
Some patients will eat more protein high food!This is obviously wrong.
Why is it that the serious leakage of protein requires low protein diet?
To avoid further aggravation of renal function.
Urinary protein is caused by damage to the kidneys, which is caused by a decline in function.
If the kidney function is not restored, the refillable protein will leak out into the urine. So it's not only useless to eat protein with high protein, but it can also worsen kidney damage.
The urine protein attacks repeatedly, the disease is more and more serious?
Protein of glomerular filtration will be absorbed by renal tubular back, but when too much protein filtration is beyond the absorptive capacity of renal tubule return, protein will damage the renal tubules, renal tubular damage after secrete cytokines, in turn, further damage to the glomeruli.
Therefore, patients with a large number of proteinuria+ should limit their intake of protein and limit their daily protein intake to 0.8g/Kg.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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