Traditional Chinese Medicine treats IgA nephropathy

In the treatment of IgA nephropathy, traditional Chinese medicine treatment.
The causes of IgA nephropathy can be divided into external causes and internal causes. External causes include feeling the heat of the wind, heat of the damp, etc.
The internal cause is mainly viscera function disorder, the diet is not stanza, kidney is infirm.
In the treatment of IgA nephropathy by traditional Chinese medicine, the pathogenesis, pathogenesis and syndromes of IgA nephropathy are often divided into acute episodes and chronic resettlement.
The latter is mainly based on viscera dysfunction.
In addition, IgA nephropathy disease is changeable, causing blood stasis.
Traditional Chinese Medicine treats IgA nephropathy  In the treatment of IgA nephropathy, traditional Chinese medicine treatment.  The causes of IgA nephropathy can be divided into external causes and internal causes. External causes include feeling the heat of the wind, heat of the damp, etc.  The internal cause is mainly viscera function disorder, the diet is not stanza, kidney is infirm.  In the treatment of IgA nephropathy by traditional Chinese medicine, the pathogenesis, pathogenesis and syndromes of IgA nephropathy are often divided into acute episodes and chronic resettlement.  The latter is mainly based on viscera dysfunction.  In addition, IgA nephropathy disease is changeable, causing blood stasis.  The deficiency of the spleen and kidney, the damp turbidity, the qi, the qi, the Yin and Yang of the kidney, the deficiency of the qi and blood, the renal function is severely reduced, and the <a href= target=_blank class=infotextkey>uremia</a> can be caused by the failure.  It is used to activate renal cell and block the process of renal fibrosis, repair and improve renal filtration function.  It is effective to avoid the dependence of the western drug hormone, and no toxicity and no side effects.  The use of targeted therapies for drug absorption.  According to the clinical manifestations of different stages, the treatment of syndrome differentiation.
The deficiency of the spleen and kidney, the damp turbidity, the qi, the qi, the Yin and Yang of the kidney, the deficiency of the qi and blood, the renal function is severely reduced, and the uremia can be caused by the failure.
It is used to activate renal cell and block the process of renal fibrosis, repair and improve renal filtration function.
It is effective to avoid the dependence of the western drug hormone, and no toxicity and no side effects.
The use of targeted therapies for drug absorption.
According to the clinical manifestations of different stages, the treatment of syndrome differentiation.



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