Which index can determine the severity of urinary protein?

To determine the occurrence of nephropathy, the two indexes are comprehensively determined by urine protein qualitative and quantitative evaluation. The urine protein quantification can accurately reflect the renal function of the patient. The 24-hour urine protein quantification is used to check the patient's urine protein status throughout the day and is not affected by other factors.
The 24-hour urine protein was divided into "light, medium and heavy" 3 levels of proteinuria:
Less than 1g/24 hours for mild proteinuria;
1g-3.5g/24 hour medium proteinuria;
Which index can determine the severity of urinary protein?
Higher than 3.5g/24 hours for heavy proteinuria.
Although 24 hours of urine protein quantification is a reliable indicator for determining the occurrence of nephropathy, it is necessary to repeat routine urine tests.
By doing regular examination, the patient's routine urine test results show that there are more than three times, and 24 hours urinary protein quantitative indexes are higher than normal reference range, which can confirm the occurrence of kidney lesions.



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