Why do Patients with chronic renal failure use wheat starch as a substitute for staple food?

Chronic renal failure patients with wheat starch to replace staple food, the proteins they save quality of fish eggs and milk protein supplements are available, and thus improve the intake of the essential amino acids, conducive to reducing the intake of vegetable protein and nitrogen accumulation of waste, to reduce the burden of liver and kidney, delay the deterioration of renal function and complications, and improve the protein malnutrition, increase body resistance.
The dietary pattern of wheat starch staple can make our kidney patients eat more fish and eggs, and the diet is more colorful.
Why do Patients with chronic renal failure use wheat starch as a substitute for staple food?
But nutrition doctors found in clinical practice that although individual patients understand the wheat starch, it is very rare to persist in wheat starch for a long time.
Patients can strictly follow a low-protein diet, and long-term adherence to the wheat starch diet depends on the patients themselves and their families. Patients and family members must work hard to improve the taste, increase the color of the dishes, change the variety and improve the appetite of the patients.



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