Does all kidney disease patients become uremia?

Does all kidney disease patients become uremia? With these 6 cases, renal function has a better chance!
1. There are obstructive factors: such as the combination of urinary calculi, tumor, urinary retention and kidney fluid, etc., to solve the obstruction problem, and the renal function can be slowly cured and restored
2 there are complications, such as patients with severe infection, heart failure, severe hypertension can make rapidly worsening renal function, and timely correct have varying degrees of these factors can make the function
3. The presence of low perfusion in the kidneys: dehydration, blood loss, hypotension, shock, etc.
Severe diarrhea, vomiting, excessive sweating, poor eating, a large amount of chest water formation, hypoalbuminemia, etc. Can cause low perfusion of the kidneys, and the amount of urine is rapidly reduced
4. Drug factors: the drugs that cause allergic reactions in the body are susceptible to the inflammation, necrosis of the renal tubular cells and the inflammatory response of the small tubes, causing the renal function to decrease rapidly
Does all kidney disease patients become uremia?
5. The activities of basic diseases.
Such as lupus nephritis, vasculitis associated nephritis, crescent sex nephritis, etc
6 renal biopsy showed that the hyperplasia of glomerulus was significantly higher than that of the glomerular cells, and the renal interstitium was mainly infiltrated by inflammatory cells, and the fibrosis was not heavy.
The clinical manifestation of blood creatinine is slightly elevated and the kidneys did not decrease significantly.
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