How much urine does a normal person have every day?

Normal adult urination is about 1,000 to 2,000 CC a day. But in winter sweat less, urination will increase, summer sweat more, urination will decrease.
Normal people urinate daily, about four to five times during the day, and about 0 to twice during the night. The amount of urine is maintained at about two hundred to five hundred CC, and Children about six to ten times.
Excessive amounts of urine (multiple urine), Diabetes:
If you get more than 2,400 CC a day, it's called polyurination. Polyuria may be a sign of diabetes, and other symptoms. Urinuria can be as high as 4, 000 to 6, 000 CC, or even 10, 000 CC, mostly in teenagers.
An important indicator of kidney disease in a small amount of urine:
When a day's urine is less than 500 CC, it is called oliguria. Patients with acute Nephritis often have symptoms of cold, sore throat and tonsillitis
Chronic renal failure, early polyuria, nocturnal urination, a decrease in urinary proportion, and a gradual decrease in the amount of urine in the later stage.
How much urine does a normal person have every day?
Is there no urine at all?
Inurination is the same as oligo. No urine is the total amount of urine in 24 hours < 100 ml or 12 hours.
Anuria caused by many factors, such as hepatorenal syndrome and renal vein thrombosis, acute glomerular necrosis, renal pelvis and ureter obstruction due to a variety of causes, kidney stones or dysfunction and retroperitoneal fibrosis caused by acute renal failure cause oliguria or anuria.
This lack of urine and inuria can not be corrected in the short term, which can lead to acute renal failure and life-threatening conditions. Seek immediate medical attention.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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