How to choose the high quality protein---Fish? Choose false would cause renal failure

One of the best high quality proteins is fish. And also Fish is well suited to patients with kidney disease (except gout).
The essential amino acids found in fish are very suitable for humans, so that the waste generated by metabolism will be reduced and the damage to the kidneys will be lower.
Fish is also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are great for preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular effects.
How to choose the high quality protein---Fish? Choose false would cause renal failure
People with nephropathy are generally susceptible to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and eating fish can help.
But fish is generally divided into freshwater fish and sea fish, so is it suitable for the kidney friends to eat?
Freshwater fish can eat in moderation, sea fish should be avoided as far as possible!
In order to be in the proper consumption of steamed or boiled soup, it is not necessary to use spicy cooking. And even if it's boiling soup, it is recommended that you eat fish, eat less or not drink fish soup, for the uric and kidney friends who need to control the phosphorus.



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