How to detect kidney function by six early symptoms!

renal insufficiency of early symptoms of patients is of great significance, because kidney excretion metabolites in the body as well as the body retain moisture and other useful substances. Poor kidney function can affect the body metabolism, moisture absorption and a series of symptoms.
First to know some early symptoms:
1. Anemia, blood, hematemesis and congestion
2. edema. It appears in the eyelid, the persistent edema of the ankle
How to detect kidney function by six early symptoms!
3. nervous system: fatigue, insomnia, memory loss, concentration and even mental abnormality, numbness, convulsion, etc.
4. Gastrointestinal symptoms are the earliest and most common clinical symptoms of renal insufficiency, such as inappetence, vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea.
5. The blood system also responds as pale, unresponsive, dizziness, frequent colds, infections, etc
6. The cardiovascular system is characterized by High blood pressure and left chest pain when you wake up. If the blood pressure drops, the pulse pressure drop is an early symptom of renal insufficiency.



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