Hypertension is the catalyst for uremia, so how to control hypertension well?

If kidney stopped work, they are not normal to remove toxins from the body. And the result is the whole body organs and blood are toxins "erosion", this is the root cause of uremia.
In addition to the accumulation of toxins in the blood can cause kidney damage, kidney damage would be sped up. When there are two symptoms, it also exacerbate renal function, reduce the distance you and uremia, which is high blood pressure and proteinuria.
Hypertension is almost the whole process of the development of kidney disease and is one of the important factors affecting the development of renal function.
So how do you control high blood pressure and avoid kidney failure?
The key points are:
The first: choose the right medicine.
There are six types of common antihypertensive drugs:
Hypertension is the catalyst for uremia, so how to control hypertension well?
1. Diuretic;
2. Beta blockers;
3. Three kinds of calcium ion antagonists;
4. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI);
5, angiotensin Ⅰ Ⅱ receptor antagonist (ARB);
6. Alpha receptor antagonist.
Second: low salt diet
Patients with high blood pressure and proteinuria need a low-salt diet, and the amount of salt per person per day is less than 3g, which is half the amount of salt in normal people.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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