Invisible killer of kidney disease - invisible salt

Salt is a substance made of sodium and chloride ions. High salt intake is an important influencing factor or starting factor of hypertension. high blood pressure, a cause of kidney disease, can also lead to the development of uremia. Hypertension is the only disease that causes more deaths worldwide than tobacco, with more than 9 million people each year.
So it's not just the white food that's harming your health, it's the invisible salts -- high sodium foods.
What are the high sodium foods?
Cooked meat: ham, pork, ham, sausage, etc;
Soy sauce;Salted eggs;Sauce: bean paste, yellow sauce, chili sauce, sweet sauce and so on
Pasta;Snacks;Pickles categories.
Invisible killer of kidney disease - invisible salt
Some foods are sweet, but they contain a lot of sodium. Because sweet smell can reduce the sensitivity of the tongue to salty flavor. Like noodles, bread, cookies, etc. Monosodium glutamate also contains high salt, but it can keep fresh, desalinating the salty flavor so the food that tastes not salty does not need to contain little sodium.
High sodium diet increases the risk of all kinds of chronic diseases
High sodium diet can lead to high blood pressure.
High sodium diet can increase the risk of coronary heart disease and heart failure.
High-sodium diet can also increase the risk of obesity and Diabetes.
High sodium diets can aggravate chronic kidney disease and worsen kidney function
So kidney patients need to limit the invisible salt intake.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

What are the common factors that make kidney disease worse?