Orange to supplement vitamin C, unexpectedly lead to kidney stone!

Long - term inuresis can raise the concentration of urine, some substances are deposited in the kidney, forming the urine scale, and the excessive deposition of the urine forms kidney stones.
Eating a lot of oranges just bring the process forward.
Oranges are eaten three times a day to meet the body's need for vitamin c.
If eating too much, the body absorbs excessive vitamin C, can make the body oxalic acid deposits too much, form oxalate calcium. If you're drinking less water, and holding back urine. It's a matter of time to suffer kidney stone.
And stones would block the urethra while urinating. This caused the occurrence of hydronephrosis. This is more serious than kidney stones.
Orange to supplement vitamin C, unexpectedly lead to kidney stone!
According to the study, the three main serious causes of uremia are chronic nephritis, followed by diabetes, and the third was hydronephrosis.
When the nephrosis occurs, the internal pressure of the kidneys gradually increases, the renal parenchyma atrophy, and the renal function gradually decreases.
So oranges can't eat too much at one time, can't eat with medicine, causing poisoning.

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