The first five symptoms of diabetes, to avoid the development to DM

The early symptom of diabetes mainly has the following 5 kinds, to avoid diabetic unknowingly development into sugar kidney!
Easy to hungry
Due to their sugar discharging out of the body with urine, so the quantity of heat inside is not enough to sustain the body, always leading to hunger, so eat a lot of foods, and quantity of sweets.
Hand numb, foot cramps
Diabetics often appear paralysis of limbs, hands trembling, severe nerve inflammatory foot pain, lower limb paralysis, lumbago, nighttime leg cramps nerve palsy, eye movement, and the symptom such as autonomic nerve dysfunction.
The first five symptoms of diabetes, to avoid the development to DM
Feel tired, urine white
People with diabetes often feel tired for no reason, especially when they are up and down stairs.
The urine is white and sweet and sour.
Eyestrain and visual acuity
People with diabetes are prone to fatigue, see a sharp decline in their eyesight, and get up and get dark in front of their eyes.
Lose weight sharply
If there is a sharp drop in weight loss, you need to consider whether you have diabetes.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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