The three and four stage of CKD patients in Winter need to prevent edema

Chronic kidney disease in the winter, should be less salty, anti-edema.
Reduce protein intake
The dietary principle should be high quality low protein. Low protein refers to the total intake of protein at 0.6g protein/kg/day. Generally speaking, lean meat, chicken, fish, eggs, milk and other high quality protein foods are better than 60 percent of the total daily protein intake.
The three and four stage of CKD patients in Winter need to prevent edema
In addition, if patients with chronic nephropathy do not have diabetes mellitus, they should be able to provide adequate supply of calories based on the control protein, rice as a represent staple food.
The polysalt induced renal hydrophorus edema induced blood pressure rise
Suffer from CKD, patients with hematuria and proteinuria+, kidney biopsy pathology appear problem, B ultrasonic examination showed renal morphology change, or kidney function decline, especially prone to edema.
According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the Winter kidney is strong, and when more salty taste, the kidney water will be more prosperous, and it can cause swelling and raise blood pressure easily.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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