These little details have not been handled well, unexpectedly cause kidney damage!

Sometimes those minor ailments, which have not been completely cured, have been repeated, and become the cause of major diseases.
The disease must be actively treated, the kidney damage, the damaged kidney function is irreversible.
1, a cold
All kinds of cold medicine mixed eat, easy to cause the drug source kidney injury, and drag the cold to do not cure easy to cause the body mechanism to be destroyed by the virus, and the disease is easy to relapse.
If you have a cold and have High blood pressure, edema, albuminuria and so on, it's best to go to the nephridae for a check.
2. Urethral calculus
Once a stone has been developed, the pain can be unbearable.
These little details have not been handled well, unexpectedly cause kidney damage!

Urethral calculi can cause hydronephrosis.
3. Tonsillitis
Repeated attacks must be taken care of.
The repeated attacks of tonsillitis can cause acute nephritis. This is because the immune response caused by the antigens of tonsils can cause damage to the kidneys and cause nephritis.
4. Other diseases
When some diseases occur, there is no timely treatment, which can lead to kidney injury.
Such as allergic purpura, systemic lupus erythematosus, not only should be treated as soon as possible, but also strengthen protection.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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