To improve immunity by the following methods

Immunity is a natural barrier to the human body.
The strong immune system plays a key role in the resistance of the pathogenic factor.
1. Balanced diet
Nutrients are distributed in all kinds of foods, and those who are partial to them may lack certain nutrients due to the lack of certain foods.
Take vitamin C
Get about 200 to 500 milligrams a day to help your body develop resistance.
3. Vitamin E
Take vitamin E 200IU (international unit) every day to strengthen the ability to fight infectious diseases.
Don't abuse your antibiotics
Some diseases are caused not by bacteria but by viruses, so taking antibiotics is not effective.
To improve immunity by the following methods
Because antibiotics decrease the molecular police p 53 protein in the patient's body (the gene that regulates the immune system)
5. Moderate drinking
Alcohol inhibits the production of antibodies to immune cells (B cells) and increases the chance of infection.
Exercise 30 minutes a day
7, massage
Massage can relax the body and reduce the production of stress hormones to the immune system.
Always be happy
Cheerfulness can reduce stress hormones.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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