What do we need to do to protect our kidneys?

As the age increases, the function of the kidneys gradually declines, so it is important to protect the kidneys.
Don't abuse drugs
The most common cause damage to the kidney drug for all types of certain antibiotics and painkillers, cold medicines and contrast, chronic kidney disease (CKD) people should try to avoid the use of these drugs, so as not to aggravate the original kidney diseases.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Do not overeat high protein food, after consuming excessive protein, can aggravate the excretion burden of the kidney, make the kidney is in hypermetabolism condition;
It is not recommended to eat foods with high fat content and low fat diet to reduce the hardening of blood vessels. It is beneficial to prevent hypertension, diabetes and kidney disease deterioration.
Do not eat salty, the daily dose of salt is less than 6 grams;
What do we need to do to protect our kidneys?
Moderate drinking water.
Actively prevent and control hypertension
Blood pressure is an independent risk factor to aggravate renal injury. Active prevention of hypertension is an important measure to avoid renal injury and delay the progression of kidney disease.
Control blood sugar, blood lipid and obesity
Lipid metabolism disorder, obesity can lead to and aggravate kidney disease, control blood sugar, blood lipid can effectively delay the progress of kidney disease.
In recent years, it has been found that obesity leads to a gradual increase in nephritis, so proper exercise and weight loss may be beneficial in preventing kidney disease.
Article URL:http://www.kidneyhospital.org/faq/3286.html



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