Good methods to protect kidney function from the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine

Good methods to protect kidney function from the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine
The feet are important and must protect well.
Because the kidney meridian is at the bottom of the foot, the foot is vulnerable to invade by the cold. So, keep your feet warm.
In addition, there are many acupuncture points on both feet, such as the Yongquan Acupoint. Every night before going to bed, you can massage the bottom of the feet, to nourish the kidney.
Keep bowels clear.
If it is not smooth to clear stool, then the turbid air attack the kidney, resulting in the waist soreness and fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Therefore, to keep the bowels clear, is also a good way to raise kidney.
Good methods to protect kidney function from the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine
Water drinking can nourish kidney.
Water is the source of life, and drinking water is a good way to nourish the kidney function.
Don't hold urine
Timely urination is also one of the best ways to nourish kidney.
Good sleep can also nourish kidney function
Adequate sleep plays an important role in the maintenance of Qi and blood and kidney essence.



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