Lifespan of Diabetes complicated with kidney disease can be shortened

Diabetes is not terrible, but the complications caused by it are terrible. Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most common and serious complications of diabetes.
Research findings that the average life expectancy will be reduced by 16 years once diabetic patients develop kidney disease.
It takes about 18.9 years to diagnose diabetes to trace urinary protein.
From microalbuminuria to a large amount of urine protein, it takes about 10.9 years;
Lifespan of Diabetes complicated with kidney disease can be shortened
From a large amount of urine protein to a significant increase in serum creatinine (greater than 175umol/L), it takes about 9.7 years;
Once diabetic nephropathy reaches the uremia stage, compared with the other its survival rate is very low. So, for the diabetic nephropathy patients, what should be done is to delay the onset of renal failure.
Before appeared a lot of urine protein, positive and effective scientific treatment, give priority to control blood sugar, blood pressure and urine protein, and active intervention in its own way of life, such as diet therapy, to give up smoking and drinking, weight control, etc.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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