The characteristics and harms of renal edema

The pathological reasons of edema are mainly divided into three categories: nephrogenic, hepatogenic and cardiogenic. The edema caused by renal disease, called renal edema, having two main features:
(1) Pitting edema
Renal edema is usually characterized by concavity, which is often referred to as a pit. It usually begins with the eyelids, then the lower extremities, and finally the systemic edema.
(2) symmetry
Renal edema tends to be symmetrical.
The harm of renal edema is the formation of effusion, especially the pleural effusion, which can endanger the cardiopulmonary function and cause acute complications such as pulmonary edema and heart failure.
The characteristics and harms of renal edema
What should be paid attention to treat renal edema?
Edema can be used with diuretics to remove the swelling, but it cannot be diuretic at the beginning.
If a large number of leaky proteins cause a serious reduction in plasma albumin, this edema cannot be immediately used as a diuretic, but as a priority to supplement the plasma albumin.
Because there is a lot of water in the blood vessels, diuretics are difficult to use diuretic effect.
Therefore, if there is a high degree of edema, the supplemental plasma albumin should be put first; If there is serious edema, emergency pumping is required.



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