The detailed diet arrangement for kidney patients

Diet for kidney patients important. because a good diet can avoid kidney disease further development. Meals details are arranged as following.
Milk and soybean milk, both high nutrient drinks, however, is also the representative of high quality protein. In addition, patients can eat an egg per day.
Renal patients pay attention to the food of much edible grain, such as noodles, steamed bread, rice, etc., suggested control in 300 grams a day.
The detailed diet arrangement for kidney patients
Vegetables are indispensable, controlled in 400 grams a day.
And it can mix vegetable with meat, pork, beef, duck, fish, suggested quantity control in 150 grams a day.
For dinner
Dinner try to eat light, with all kinds of porridge given priority to, such as millet, coix seed porridge. The porridge can nourish the kidney function and simultaneously protect spleen and stomach.
It is wrong for kidney patients not to take fruits. There are rich dietary fiber, vitamins, etc. In fruits.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

What are the common factors that make kidney disease worse?