The three methods to reduce proteinuria effectively

Proteinuria plays an important role in the development of kidney disease. As one of the early symptoms of nephropathy, proteinuria has a great influence on the continuous development of renal function. Therefore, a large amount of proteinuria needs to be controlled in time, and the proteinuria is usually controlled under 0.5g, which is beneficial to the protection of renal function and to slow the progression of renal disease.
1: focus on controlling salt intake.
Excessive salt intake can cause the body in the inland waters, sodium retention, thus aggravate the burden of renal function, make the kidney filtration function worse and worse, lead to protein leak more and more to further aggravating proteinuria.
2: continuous hypertension monitoring.
The three methods to reduce proteinuria effectively
Increased blood pressure can aggravate kidney damage and damage to kidney cells, resulting in an increase in protein leakage, forming a vicious cycle.
3: stable weight.
Being overweight or obese can increase the burden of the kidneys, which is detrimental to the protection of kidney function.
In addition to obesity can aggravate the disease, smoking, drinking, poor diet also bad for the control of proteinuria. So patients should try to quit smoking and drinking, have a reasonable diet, appropriate exercise, avoid aggravation.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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