There are a few ways to stay away from diabetic nephropathy

How to prevent and control diabetic nephropathy?
In the following aspects:
1. Control blood sugar.
For patients with diabetic nephropathy, well control of the blood sugar can make the probability of type 1 diabetes patients complicated with diabetes nephropathy decline by half, and can also make the patients complicated with type 2 diabetes declined by one-third risk of diabetic nephropathy.
2. Prevent urinary system infection.
After the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, it is important to make the patient avoid urinary tract infection, so as to avoid recurrence.
There are a few ways to stay away from diabetic nephropathy.
3. Prevent hypertension.
Hypertension is one of the causes of diabetic nephropathy, so patients with diabetic nephropathy should maintain a normal diet and maintain stable blood pressure.
4. Control protein.
Diabetic nephropathy patients should control the intake of good protein, especially the high quality animal protein.
However, in the late stage of diabetic nephropathy, if the patient still consumes a large amount of protein, it will increase the metabolism of protein in the blood, which will bring great harm to patients.



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