How to delay the development to kidney failure or uremia?

If we want to delay the development to kidney failure or uremia, we need to notice the following aspects:
1. Strictly control the diet: have a low protein diet, and low salt diet.
In addition, we need to pay attention to avoid cold, tireness, staying up late. And especially the cold and fever, the two disease would aggravate the deterioration.
2. Pay attention to the treatment of complications caused by kidney failure, such as renal anemia or renal osteopathy.
In case of anemia, you should pay attention to the erythrin. The end of kidney failure tends to be low in iron protein, and iron or iron supplements should be properly supplemented, and some folate and B12 can be eaten.
Daily check blood calcium level, calcium supplement.
How to delay the development to kidney failure or uremia?
3. Control causes chronic Renal failure, such as chronic nephritis, hypertensive renal arteriosclerosis and diabetes.
The treatment of good primary disease is also helpful for delaying renal failure.
4. Treatment can aggravate the chronic renal failure, such as infection, poor blood pressure control, and excessive protein intake.
If these factors are present, positive correction, blood creatinine and urea nitrogen can often be reduced.
In particular, a period of time when creatinine rises particularly fast, it is necessary to check if there is any reason for the rapid deterioration of kidney disease.



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