The eight habits that cause damage to kidney ?

Today, I will take a look at the common eight harmful kidney habits!
1. Random medication
Many drugs have certain nephrotoxicity. These drugs must not be taken lightly.
2. No physical examination
It is recommended that you start with urine routine and kidney work! Early detection can help to discover the disease early and have a timely treatment.
3. Less water
Often drinking water can discharge the waste in the body with the urine, reduce the occurrence of ventilation and stone. So, 2000ml of water every day is very necessary!
The eight habits that cause damage to kidney ?
4. Stay up late.
Staying up late to burn the kidney, and staying up late will make the kidney function drop faster, which can easily trigger the urine protein.
5. Heavy taste
The taste here refers to eating too much salt. If you eat too much salt for a long time, you will activate the renin-angiotensin system, which can lead to kidney damage and high blood pressure.
6. Three high levels of indifference.
"Three high" refers to hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia. Pay more attention to the three indexes.
7. Low immunity.
A cold, a fever, can also cause kidney disease. So build up to strengthen the constitution.
8. Genetic history
Although there is no direct data to confirm that kidney disease is hereditary (except for polycystic kidney), the same lifestyle and environment can also affect your kidney health.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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