What food does nephritis eat to prevent the aggravation?

When patients with chronic nephritis have swollen, low urine or poor diet, they should eat light, easy to digest low salt or no salt diet.
With the improvement of the disease, the amount of urine increased and the swelling subsided, in order to replenish the large amount of missing protein in the urine. If accompanied by anemia, patients can choose iron rich food, such as lean meat, black fungus, sesame paste, etc.
1. The food with light and diuretic effect, the food with diuretic effect is carp, crucian carp, milk, watermelon, wax gourd and so on.
2. Eat more vitamin food, fresh vegetables and fruits are alkaline food, which can supply multiple vitamins and promote the recovery of kidney function.
What food does nephritis eat to prevent the aggravation?
3. The daily salt intake of high-salt food should be kept under 2 to 4 grams, in order to prevent edema and increased blood volume.
4. Eat less high-fat food. Chronic nephritis has symptoms of high blood pressure and anemia. Fat can aggravate arteriosclerosis and inhibit hematopoiesis.
5. Do not use strong condiments, strong condiments are bad for kidney function and should be avoided.
Limit plant protein and protein intake depends on kidney function.
7. Limit the intake of potassium, such as fresh mushrooms, mushrooms, red dates, shellfish, vegetables, beans, vegetables, fruits, etc.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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