What should the diet of kidney failure patient notice?

For kidney patients in the early stage of Nephritis, it is only necessary to adhere to low salt and low protein quality protein. Moderate intake is necessary.
But kidney failure is more demanding.
The first step is to limit the amount of meat you consume in order not to increase your creatinine. In addition, kidney friends need to limit and supplement the high quality protein because they need less meat, so the protein source is the preferred soybean.
The diet for kidney failure patients is dependent on the renal function and condition of the complications.
What should the diet of kidney failure patient notice?
The sources of potassium are dairy products, fruits and vegetables.
People with kidney failure must pay attention to foods containing potassium, and control of potassium levels by limiting dairy products and choosing fruits and vegetables with lower levels of potassium.
If the phosphorus exceeds the limit, it is best to avoid inorganic phosphate foods, such as highly processed foods. Dairy products are a major source of phosphorus. Dairy products can be replaced by not rich in rice or soy milk and yogurt.
In conclusion, although renal failure is irreversible, adherence to correct treatment and diet can maximize the delay to uremia.



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