Chinese yam can help to nourish blood and kidneys

The yam contains many kinds of nutrients, and it has the function of strengthening the body and nourishing the kidney. In addition, edible yam can take vitamin, replace vegetable fruit, but the patient of kidney disease remember not to eat with banana, which can cause diarrhoea.
The yam also contains mucous protein, has the effect that reduces blood sugar, long-term edible, have the effect that prevents diabetes!
The yam is edible with walnut, which has the effect of invigorating qi, strengthening the bones and strengthening the brain. It is often used for kidney deficiency, low back pain, urinary calculus, etc.
The yam and the longan eating together, can solid kidney tonic, nourish the body.

Chinese yam with almond to supplement lung and kidney. Almond and yam, since ancient times have been thought to be able to stop cough and nourish lung.
Yam with almond edible effect is better, because it can repair lung and benefit kidney.
Combination of Chinese yam and ribs.
In addition to protein, fat and vitamin, it also contains a large amount of calcium carbonate, bone collagen and bone mucin, which can provide calcium for young children and old people.
Often eating ribs has the effect of nourishing Yin and nourishing the blood.
Therefore, it is common to eat yam and ribs to strengthen the spleen and stomach, to help digestion, and to relieve cough and kidney essence.



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