The treatment of urinary protein removal .

kidney disease treatment should include four aspects: the first is the clean up immune complex, the second is the stop renal cell necrosis, the third is the swelling and inhibit protein and occult blood, the fourth is the improvement of immunity.
In general, hormones can be used for 24 hours of urine protein for more than 1 gram.
There are two main aspects of hormones: inhibition of inflammatory response and reduction of renal cell permeability.
The treatment of urinary protein removal .
It can be said that the hormone is the weapon that solves the urine protein, but the side effect also cannot be ignored.
In addition to the hormone, jinshui bao and other Chinese medicine also have a certain elimination of urinary protein.
But unlike hormones, traditional Chinese medicine can eliminate the urine protein by increasing the vitality of the remaining kidney units.
It is important to note that caused by the three tenors of urine protein, hormone effect is not ideal, because this is not the inflammation caused by protein leakage, usually is the use of antihypertensive drug to dilate blood vessels to eliminate the effect of urine protein, such as ACEI drugs.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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