What disease do the colorless, bright yellow, red urine predict ?

It is important to observe the color of urine in the prevention and treatment of nephropathy.
First, we need to know the normal urine condition of the human body. The normal urine is pale yellow, clear and transparent. Healthy people usually urinate 4 to 6 times during the day and 0 to 1 time at night. The total amount of urine per day is between 1000 and 2000ml.
And abnormal urine, if judged by the color standard, mainly has the following:
1. Colorless urine: in general, this is due to the fact that people drink more water and the urine is diluted.
What disease do the colorless, bright yellow, red urine predict ?
2. Bright yellow urine: mostly caused by overdose of vitamin C.
3. Deep yellow urine: the body is short of water and the urine is condensed and it will appear in this condition. If people take berberine, rhubarb and senna, they will also have dark yellow urine.
4, red urine, the urine easily linked with blood in the urine. Some kidney disease can appear red urine, such as glomerular Nephritis patients, but that's not all, while others, such as urinary stones, tumor, infection also can appear red urine.
Not only that, but after eating beetroot and dragon fruit will also appear red urine.



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