Why does cold cause the occurrence of nephritis?

Some people believe that the result of the nephritis is due to cold virus invading the kidney.
Nephritis is an inflammation of the kidney, but it is different from other organs.
Pneumonia, for example, is a local inflammatory reaction caused by bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms that directly damage tissue organs. Nephritis is not an infectious disease, but an immune disease that is an inflammatory response mediated by the kidney.
Doctors point out that the cold does not directly cause nephritis, but the body's response to the cold causes nephritis.
Why does cold cause the occurrence of nephritis?

After the cold virus infects human body, the body produces antibody, combine to become immune complex.
In this way, foreign antigens (bacteria or viruses) can be eliminated, but the formation of immune complexes can also be deposited into the kidney tissue, causing inflammatory cells to infiltrate and induce inflammatory reactions, which can cause nephritis.
Experts also say that it is not only the cold that can induce nephritis, but other infections such as tonsillitis, otitis media and skin abscess can cause nephritis by the above mechanism.
So kidney patients need to prevent the infection.



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