Benefits of Chinese yam to the kidney function and diabetes

The blood pressure, sugar and lipid drop
Yam contains a lot of mucus proteins, vitamins and trace elements, can effectively prevent lipid deposition in vessel wall, prevent cardiovascular disease, have the effect of lowering blood pressure, reducing hematic fat, and stabling mind.
Chinese yam contains mucous protein, which can reduce blood sugar and prevent diabetes.
The humidity is gone
Chinese yam contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, which are beneficial to digestion and absorption of spleen and stomach.
In Chinese medicine, the viscera of dampness is the spleen. When the spleen and stomach function is not good, it is easy to develop moisture. Moreover, the spleen is mainly transported, and energy is needed to remove dampness, and food needs to be transported by the spleen and stomach.
Benefits of Chinese yam to the kidney function and diabetes
And the yam is flat, suitable for most people.
The kidney is not deficient
Chinese yam contains many kinds of nutrients, which have the function of strengthening the body, nourishing kidney and enriching essence.
Many familiar traditional Chinese medicines for kidney diseases have all been added yam, which can be seen that it can replenish the kidney.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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