Control these four major complications, kidney treatment would be more easy

Delaying the progression of renal function is a life-long pursuit of patients with kidney disease. It is necessary to control some of the factors leading to the progression of renal function in order to maintain renal function.
The first is to control hypertension caused by kidney disease.
The treatment of hypertension is currently the most effective treatment of antihypertensive drugs. In order to protect renal function and stabilize blood pressure for a long period of time, it is usually chosen to combine multiple antihypertensive drugs.
Second are electrolyte disturbances such as hyperkalemia and hyperphosphatemia
Electrolyte disorders caused by impaired renal function can lead to disturbances in the entire internal environment of the body, inducing multiple complications, and damage to other organs. To prevent the occurrence of these complications, one is to regularly review the indicators of renal function, timely conditioning, treatment; the other is to reduce the intake of foods high in potassium, high phosphorus, three to minimize the intake of drugs containing these two elements.
Control these four major complications, kidney treatment would be more easy
The third are some heart diseases
Kidney disease itself can cause heart-related diseases. kidney function damage, necrosis of kidney tissue, will seriously affect the overall blood circulation, triggering high blood pressure, high blood lipids and other conditions.
The last one are a variety of infections
Infection is not limited to respiratory infections, including urinary tract infections, oral infections, and dialysis-induced infections.



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