Nephritis is difficult to treat because there are many mistakes in treatment

Nephritis is a relatively common disease with a morbidity rate of 2.8 to 5 percent and a growing trend, many of them due to the misunderstanding of nephritis
Mistake one: nephritis is difficult to treat
The curative effect mainly depends on whether the treatment is timely and reasonable. More importantly, it is related to the patient's own health care measures (such as diet and rest). When a large number of renal tissue damage, kidney function decline, it is too late to go to the hospital.
Every nephrotic patient, regardless of the condition, should be regularly reviewed.
Myth 2: avoid salt
Nephritis is difficult to treat because there are many mistakes in treatment
Long-term salt prohibition does not play a role in alleviating the disease, but can make a lot of viscera function decline, not conducive to recovery.
Mistake 3: nephropathy patients do not want to drink more water, fear to increase the renal load
The body's daily metabolites are carried out of the body by urine.
If the amount of urine is insufficient, it will actually cause waste accumulation in the body and aggravate kidney damage.
Myth 4: misuse of antibiotics
Some patients equate nephritis with a common inflammatory disease and are treated with antibiotics. But nephritis is caused by an abnormal immune system, which requires the elimination of antigens to prevent abnormal immune responses



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Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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