Taking yam in the morning can tonify kidney and QI

Chinese yam has the effect of invigorating the spleen and invigorating the qi. Around 8 o 'clock in the morning, the spleen is at its peak.
The most convenient thing to do for breakfast is to steam the yam, shave the beard hair, rub with water to remove the mud, then cut into sections, and steam on the fire for about 20 minutes.
The person with weak spleen and stomach or dyspepsia also suits to drink yam porridge, and also peanut yam porridge, Chinese wolfberry yam porridge, longan yam porridge, pumpkin yam porridge.
Yam mud is more suitable for children and the elderly with bad teeth to eat, the effect is the same.
Taking yam in the morning can tonify kidney and QI
Chinese yam as breakfast, the efficacy of ginseng
The starch content of Chinese yam is generally higher than that of other vegetables, so it can be eaten as part of the staple food rather than as a vegetable.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Chinese yam has the effect of nourishing spleen, lungs and kidneys, nourishing qi and nourishing Yin.
Modern medicine thinks its nutrition value is very high, contain rich amylase, adipose, protein, a variety of vitamins etc.
The benefits of yam contain lowering blood glucose and lipids, enhancing immunity and anti-aging



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