The more protein is lost, the more difficult is treatment?

proteinuria+ is a typical symptom of kidney disease. When the damaged glomerular filtration capacity, renal tubular reabsorption function becomes poor, small molecule protein will leak into the urine, protein ingredients such as albumin, alpha 1 globulin, transferrin and gamma globulin, thus forming proteinuria, due to the early renal damage is lighter, so proteinuria is not obvious.
It is found that proteinuria has been around for some time and has serious effects on renal function.
Is it that the more protein you lose, the harder it is to treat?
The more protein is lost, the more difficult is treatment?
Simply looking at the amount of protein leakage does not determine the severity of the disease, it can only show that kidney function is seriously damaged.
The characteristic of some kinds of kidney disease is a large number of proteinuria, tiny lesions such as nephritis and mild mesangial hyperplastic nephritis, kidney change slightly, but the daily urine protein quantity can reach a few grams or more than ten grams.
Conversely, some focal segmental sclerosing nephritis and crescent nephritis have severe pathological damage, but the daily amount of urine protein may only be a few grams.
So we can't judge the disease by the amount of proteinuria.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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