To treat edema is to accomplish these 2 things first, then relieve edema!

Eat a low-salt diet and get good protein
In fact, the only way to control protein leakage is to avoid the loss of protein in the blood, but the leakage has been lost, and the excess water has infiltrated the skin.
Therefore need to absorb the moisture, the first is to increase the plasma protein levels, thus to supply high quality protein, but avoid adding too much to increase proteinuria, patients can take a low protein diet in strict accordance with the requirements.
Too much sodium can increase the retention of sodium and water, so a low-salt diet can avoid the increase of edema. No more than 6 grams of salt per day.
To treat edema is to accomplish these 2 things first, then relieve edema!
Improve renal filtration
Water remains trapped for a long time and cannot be excreted, partly because of problems with kidney function itself.
The decreased glomerular filtration rate leads to decreased urine formation and thus increased edema, so repair the function of the glomerulus.
Early renal slightly damaged, can be fixed by traditional Chinese medicine treatment, but late irreversible renal function, the patients need to do is to avoid the further development of renal function. In order to avoid edema is aggravating, the attention should be paid to monitoring blood pressure, proteinuria, glomerular filtration rate, to stabilize the factors that affect kidney function, and then the appropriate application hormone, diuretics to reduce the swelling, also have a good effect.



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