What does nephritis patient eat for condition improvement?

Pumpkin rich in vitamins, effectively treats Diabetes, hypertension, liver and kidney diseases, can enhance the regeneration of liver and kidney cells. Pumpkin sweet and warm, can fill medium beneficial gas, reduce inflammation and pain.
Calabash has a warm and cold nature, into the lungs, stomach, kidney meridian. Calabash can benefit water to clear heat, to treat edema abdominal distension, sore poison has certain effect.
What does nephritis patient eat for condition improvement?
White radish is rich in vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, as well as coarse fiber, lignin, potassium, manganese, boron and other beneficial substances. It can assist in the treatment of some diseases, such as the elimination of stagnation, phlegm heat, detoxification, diuresis, thirst quenching and gas relief.
Wax gourd is a kind of vegetable, people often eat rich in vitamin C, each hectogram potassium 135 mg, 9.5 mg of sodium, for patients with a low salt diet was applicable, such as high blood pressure, kidney disease, dropsy symptoms of patients.
In addition, the medicinal value of the skin of winter melon is more effective than that of the flesh of wax gourd.
Take wax gourd skin boiled water for tea drink, treat the swelling caused by nephritis; Cut the wax gourd with the skin and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Drink water and eat the flesh. With wax gourd skin, wax gourd skin, white moutan root each 18 grams, corn beard 12 grams, red bean 10 grams, boil with water, third times per day, can treat the urination that nephritis causes adverse and whole body dropsy.



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