What meat can kidney disease patients eat?

There are many meat and kidney patients to choose from, red meat, poultry, fish etc. Each meat has its own advantages and disadvantages.
1.Red meat
Red meat refers to meat such as pork, beef and mutton. Red meat is rich in ferrous ions, which have great benefits for improving anemia. But red meat also has high levels of saturated fat, which is bad for cardiovascular health.
Kidney friends are advised to eat only red meat once or twice a week, no more than 100g at a time, the remaining quality protein to use other meat instead.
What meat can kidney disease patients eat?
2.Poultry meat
Poultry meat is also a good source of protein for your kidneys, and it has a better fat ratio than red meat. It can be used as a source of high quality protein.
3. Fish or some aquatic products
These foods are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and are a good source of protein for people with hyperlipidemia.
However, since most aquatic products contain large amounts of purine, uric acid will be increased, and it is not recommended to eat if the gout kidney or the kidney friend with high blood uric acid is not recommended.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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