Diabetic nephropathy diet treatment principle

Intake of the right amount of calories
Excessive calorie intake can lead to problems such as obesity and increased blood lipids. If calorie intake is insufficient, body fat or even muscle tissue will be consumed, leading to malnutrition. It is recommended that patients with chronic kidney disease consume 30-35 kcal calories per kilogram of standard body weight per day.
Intake of the right protein
Diabetic nephropathy diet treatment principle
Patients with diabetes need to reduce protein intake to protect the body's muscles, tissue repair, various enzymes, blood cells and other metabolic needs. The average daily intake of protein in kidney friends is less than 1g/kg body weight.
Limit salt intake
Salt intake should also be limited for patients with sugar kidneys. The daily salt intake should be less than 6g, and if it progresses to the stage of renal insufficiency, the intake should be lower.
Vitamin supplements
Patients with kidney and kidney need to provide sufficient vitamins and trace elements, especially vitamin B, vitamin C, zinc iron and calcium. But pay attention to avoid potassium and phosphorus fruits and vegetables, so as not to cause hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia and other complications.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

What are the common factors that make kidney disease worse?