How to treat edema for kidney patients

Here are two questions about edema
1, appear high edema, should use diuretic immediately?
And it isn't.
Because of the high level of edema caused by a large amount of protein leakage, the water in the blood vessels is pushed out of the blood vessels. In this case, with diuretics, there is actually no water to drain.
How to treat edema for kidney patients
Therefore, high quality protein should be given priority. If necessary, protein can also be input, and diuretic agents can be used only when the colloid osmotic pressure is restored to balance.
2. Since high edema is caused by large protein leakage, can hormones be used to prevent protein leakage first?
Also cannot, but the action that hormone itself has sodium of water retention, can let a patient add dropsy on swollen, once cause acute pulmonary edema and acute heart failure, consequence will be unimaginably bad.
High quality protein should also be given priority, and then a solution to the problem of urinary protein should be found.



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